Please find the contact form further down.

Or you could reach out via

Here I explain in German why I recommend Telegram.
Out of personal conviction, I don’t use Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, or similar.

🔑 OpenPGP Key

If you want to send encrypted data/emails via OpenPGP:

Download public key

Main key
OpenPGP-Key-ID: 0x6D53A50ABED017D2
Fingerprint: 44F9 78C4 1824 4FF7 B6F0 AB80 6D53 A50A BED0 17D2

Sub key (Encrypt)

OpenPGP-Key-ID: 0x923ECAE050A1BC47
Fingerprint: 2D0E 04F9 8CD7 0A32 E2F2 EA58 923E CAE0 50A1 BC47

Sub key (Sign / Verify)

OpenPGP-Key-ID: 0x52533EBCD5BEA1F6
Fingerprint: E951 FA91 DCBD A248 F796 A180 5253 3EBC D5BE A1F6

🐑 Follow me!

Feel free to follow me on the following platforms:

My source code repositories can be found at Codeberg and GitHub.

Let’s go!

By sending this message, you consent to electronic data processing and storage as indicated in the Privacy Policy.

Data is always transferred through encrypted connections.

Company headquarters

Through the magic of the internet, I can be reached from anywhere.
But if you do want to visit me:

🏢 Main office

91785 Pleinfeld
Bavaria (Middle franconia), Germany

💼 Branch office

currently none