WhatsCrap Notification Forwarder

Latest Version:         0.1
Release date:           22.12.2017
Current status:         work in progress
Maintainer:             Sweetgood (https://www.sweetgood.de)


This simple set of tools gives you the possibility to forward all incoming WhatsApp(R) message notifications to a customizable php script.

With this script you can easily implement a redirection to your favorite messenger like Telegram or just simply via email. Currently only email support is built in.


  • WhatsApp(R) installed on an old smartphone or in a virtual machine
  • Android > 4.0

What is it good for?

  • Stay in touch with your local associations / clubs which mostly organize themselfes via WhatsCrap ... unfortunately
  • Build your own WhatsApp(R) to Telegram Bridge or anything like that

Feel free to do whatever you want to do with the sources.

Project will be merged into GitHub later.


As I personally don't like / use WhatsApp, it's called WhatsCrap Notification Forwarder instead of WhatsApp(R) Notification Forwarder. If you don't like it, don't use it (or change it) ;-)